Different brands (n =6) of grape, blueberry, strawberry and
apricot jams were stratified randomly sampled from local supermarkets
in Klang Valley, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The samples
were confirmed to represent brands consumed and
available nationwide. Each kilogram of the same brand of jams
was mixed thoroughly and homogenized into fine form using a
food grinder. The samples were transferred and stored into plastic
airtight containers at room temperature (25± 2 C) for up to
two weeks. The replicate analysis of proximate, mineral, vitamin,
sugar and fatty acids component of lipids was carried out
for each of the six brands of fruit jams. One pooled set of data
of mean for each reported nutrient was calculated based on
the average of the six brands tested.
Different brands (n =6) of grape, blueberry, strawberry andapricot jams were stratified randomly sampled from local supermarketsin Klang Valley, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The sampleswere confirmed to represent brands consumed andavailable nationwide. Each kilogram of the same brand of jamswas mixed thoroughly and homogenized into fine form using afood grinder. The samples were transferred and stored into plasticairtight containers at room temperature (25± 2 C) for up totwo weeks. The replicate analysis of proximate, mineral, vitamin,sugar and fatty acids component of lipids was carried outfor each of the six brands of fruit jams. One pooled set of dataof mean for each reported nutrient was calculated based onthe average of the six brands tested.
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