2.2. Biofilter operation
‘‘Matured’’ quartz sand was used as a filtration material; therefore,
when the biofilter started to function, it performed well in removing Mn and NH4 + -N. Additionally,
the change in the color of the quartz sand from white to gray was an indication of a ‘‘mature’’
biofilter (see supplementary material, Fig. S1). In order to keep the
water flow constant, upflow filtration was used. The value of the
empty bed contact time (EBCT, i.e., the time needed for the water
to fill the empty column) was twenty minutes. The backwashing
procedure was carried out once a week to wash out metallic oxides
and excess organisms.
2.2. Biofilter operation‘‘Matured’’ quartz sand was used as a filtration material; therefore,when the biofilter started to function, it performed well in removing Mn and NH4 + -N. Additionally, the change in the color of the quartz sand from white to gray was an indication of a ‘‘mature’’biofilter (see supplementary material, Fig. S1). In order to keep thewater flow constant, upflow filtration was used. The value of theempty bed contact time (EBCT, i.e., the time needed for the waterto fill the empty column) was twenty minutes. The backwashingprocedure was carried out once a week to wash out metallic oxidesand excess organisms.
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