Our environment has been a huge concern to scientists for many years now, as massive amounts of pollution attack our eco-system and slowly change the world in which we live. We produce more and more pollution as the population increases and the population is increasing by 1.3% which means it will have doubled in 53 years time. Better health care and knowledge about nutrition and sanitation are the main reasons for our expanding population and this is a worrying statistic will have a drastic effect on our environment and our resources.
There are a number of ways in which we can try to maintain a healthy environment in our ever expanding world. High consumption is proving to be one of our main problems as the majority of people have become accustomed to having huge amounts of food and energy sources available to them whenever they please. Taking simple measures such as being resourceful with power and water can really make a difference as well as limiting your use of cars or using them more effectively. Small fines for having just one person in a car are slowly being implemented in extremely busy areas in an attempt to encourage people to car share or take public transport whenever possible.
We should also limit the amount of waste products we products as the land is unable to expose of it all, particularly non-biodegradable products such as plastic bags. Fashions and opinions are slowly changing and more and more people are using reusable shopping bags and water bottles to reduce the amount of plastic expose of. Recycling is an excellent way to help the planet expose of our waste but reducing and reusing should come first.
Becoming self-sufficient or at least partially self sufficient is another great way to help the environment as we can help boost our natural resources through growing our own fruit and vegetables in our own back yards or allotments. Eating seasonal produce reduces the need for transport across the globe which produces massive amounts of pollution.
Each and every person should do certain things on his behalf to save the environment of Earth. This can prove to be beneficial for the next generation. The present precautions should be taken for the benefit of the present generation. These steps can keep the environment healthy and pollution free. The issue of the Earth's environment is being discussed on almost every website, forum and blog on the internet. People are struggling about the ways to save the planet for the benefit of mankind.
A number of educational institutions are now doing work on going green ideas and are promoting these ideas in the youth to diminish the results of global warming. People are making these ideas common so that the Earth could get better a better place to live in. Our mother Earth is now in the stage where only its inhabitants can save it from devastation. This situation needs some volunteers for the Earth people to make them aware of what is happening in their surroundings and other areas of the world. People are given rights in telling their views for the benefit of earth or anything that can cause harm to it. To make people aware of deforestation and environmental pollution, campaigns should be held. Free right discussions should be held among people of different areas in order to save their planet.
To be a part of the campaign, people should follow some specific steps in order to save the environment of the Earth. The steps are mentioned below:
• Water must be used according to the need and not more than that.
• In order to reduce waste, cloth napkins should be preferred instead of paper napkins.
• Plastic bags should be banned. They must be replaced with paper bags so that harmful effects of the plastic bags may be minimized.