to each leaflet. SAM categories were given additional guidance to
ensure consistency in scoring adapted from guidance by the
original authors [15]. SAM scores were calculated from judging
each leaflet in 21 specific categories and allocating a score to each
category: 2.0 = superior,1.0 = adequate, 0.0 = unsuitable. The overall
total score was also calculated into score from 100. A score of 70–
100 is superior, 40–69 is adequate, 39 or less is unsuitable. Each
leaflet was assessed twice using two separate coders (the authors).
After the analysis of leaflets was complete the two scores for each
test were totaled and divided by two to give a single score. All
scores were collated and divided by the number of leaflets (37) to
produce one final average score. For SMOG and FRY this is an
average reading grade level. For SAM this is the average score for
each category.