Based on the robustness checks, we find that the empirical results inthis study are robust with respect to industrial and yearly controls. In addition, the impact of stock-based compensation on firm performanceincreases with firm profitability. This result also holds in the tests of market performance, Tobin’s q, as the dependent variable, or the payfor-performance sensitivity as the independent variable. Moreover, the use of a lagged stock-based/total compensation ratio does not change the result. Therefore, the non-monotonic relationship between stock- based compensation and firm performance can be captured in the quantile regression regardless of the variations in different industries and years, and the various measures of accounting or market performance. In contrast, we find a different result in the risk-adjusted performance. Because stock-based compensation can affect both firm performance and its risk level, the non-monotonic relationship between stock-based compensation and firm performance disappears when applying the risk-adjusted performance. Therefore, another reason for the conflicting results in the relationship between stock-based compen- sation and firm performance that appears in the related literature could be the neglect of risk adjustment in measuring firm performance. This interesting issue deserves further analysis in future research.
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