Freight carriers usually have confidential customers’ information and they do not hope to disclose such
information to competitive companies. The delivery time within JDS is not as flexible as in the direct delivery cases,
since pickup-delivery trucks visit customers at designated times in a JDS. Sometimes receivers worry about the
responsibility of transporting goods in cases where there are delayed arrivals of vehicles or damage to goods.
Additional costs are required for building or leasing space for a UCC as well as creating unified information and
management systems for freight carriers in the JDS. These items can be obstacles for establishing and operating JDS.
However, in successful cases of introducing JDS in reality these problems have been overcome by the efforts of
reducing costs and increasing the service level in a public-private collaboration environment.
Let us look at the success factors of JDS in case of Motomachi, Yokohama (Figure 1). The JDS in Motomachi
started in 2004 after pilot project in 1999-2001 with the financial support by Yokohama city. After the subsidy was
ended in 2001, the Motomachi Shopping Street Association (MSSA) started activities to find a neutral freight carrier
who would be responsible for delivering goods from the UCC (Figure 1) to customers and collecting goods from