16. The Division implemented a programme of yearly regional and national
training workshops on technical issues related to different steps of the census
process in order to help countries to prepare for and carry out their censuses, and to
analyse and disseminate the results. The Division has conducted 59 regiona l,
subregional and national workshops, providing training to over 1,420 participants
from around 140 countries in the period 2006-2014. Table 2 below presents a
summary of those activities.9
17. Throughout the 2010 census round, the Division provided technical assistance
to national statistical authorities on various country-specific aspects of the census
process in order to strengthen their capacity to plan for and carry out population and
housing censuses according to international standards and guideline s. In addition,
the Division engaged an interregional adviser on population and housing censuses to
provide technical assistance to countries on different aspects of their censuses. The
Division served as a member of an international technical advisory board for a
number of countries in difficult or post-conflict situations and facilitated SouthSouth
exchanges of experience through study visits wherein officials from less
statistically developed countries were able to learn from countries having more
experience and acquire knowledge and examples of good practices in census-taking.
18. Through the 2010 World Population and Housing Census Programme website
(http://unstats.un.org/unsd/census2010.htm), the Division continuously monitored
national activities related to the planning and taking of censuses and made the
information available on the website. The Division also used the information to
identify countries in need of technical and other assistance. The resource centre
includes a census knowledge base that serves as a comprehensive facility for
providing technical documentation for census takers.