Regarding the links between couple similarity on stimulus characteristics
and marital satisfaction, the SEM results showed several general
patterns: First, we did not find evidence for gender difference when
using similarity to predict satisfaction. Second, ADS and DDS overall
made a relatively small contribution to predicting satisfaction, compared with
self-scores and partner-scores,which supported Hypothesis
2 and was consistent with previous research (e.g., Dyrenforth et al.,
2010). Third, greater couple discrepancy on physical exercise, physical
attractiveness, spirituality, and CANI were associated with lower satisfaction,
suggesting that similarity in those domains serves a positive
(albeit small) function in relationships. However, a larger age discrepancy
was associated with greater satisfaction. Fourth, the directional
discrepancy results indicated that the more spiritual and more
growth-oriented the husband is, the happier both spouses are. This result
suggests that the traditional role of husband-as-head-of household
may still have some lingering effects.