Motivation: short code to order general pattern or family protein superfamily more useful than the overall sequence similarity in the discussion the product function gene. Find patterns still knowledge expert An automated methods using strict criteria may not distinguish the colorful sound from statistically.
Results: The researcher have developed a new automated methods. According to the form of the conservation of the physical 237-Chemical properties of amino acids in a protein is aligned sequence find patterns associated with less protein or not by sequence similarity, is a program Masia our webserver 12 properties according to identify patterns in endonuclease. Apyrimidinic apurinic (APE) family of DNA repair enzymes of DNase-I superfamily. Search with these patterns located distantly relate dagent of DNase-I superfamily, such as 5 - the inositol phosphate in astral40 .Database using the scoring system work, other proteins with a pattern no monkey by sequence or the similarity of the structure, however, all be it and / or metal ion binding at the active site. So how can identify elements automatically not continuous in distantly related protein structure and local.The characteristics of the function. They expect that this will allow functional explanation available from protein sequence genome project.