In 947 increased understanding of the physics of solids led to the creation of the transistor a semiconductor amplifier that was to have impact out of all proportion to its size
The earliest semiconductor devices were diodes (p.37) which, with their one-way conduction, an still useful for turning alternating into direct current (pp. 22-23) but transistor could replace a key electronic component the tripod (p.37) duplicating its ability to amplify and switch without needing its large
Fragile glass envelope or power-hungry heater the transistor was originally conceived as a possible replacement for electromagnetically switches in telephone exchanges Forty years of development have
Changed it into a microscopic pattern etched into the surface of a slice of silicon (pp. 52-53) Many device we now take for granted would be unrecognizable without the transistor A video recorder would need an least eight times the space and a personal computer would fill a room Both would be affordable