Exploratory Analysis
The data from the exploratory tests of the effect of drying temperature and time on moisture content determination are shown in Table 2. It was observed that a moisture content value determined by a given drying temperature and time at a given moisture content level was ditTerent from the moisture content value determined by another drying temperature and time by a consistent amount over the range of moisture content levels. This observance led to an analysis in which each set of moisture content values determined at a given drying temperature and time was regressed against theset of moisture contents determined at l30°C and 20 h. The results of this analysis are shown at the bottom of Table 2. The high values of the coefficient of determination and low values of the mean square error for each regression indicated a strong correlation between the values determined by each method and that at 130°C and 20 h. An F-test (Neter and Wasserman,
]974) was used to show that the slope values for the regression lines were equal (alpha=0.05).