I don't know about his comments. This is a guy who says He believes in Kingdom come and he still hasn't found what he is looking for. He holds the hand of the devil. He sings sympathy for the devil. He obviously isn't someone who would know how to worship the Lord in Spirit amd Truth. What does he have against Christian music written to worship amd please God? Prayers have raw emotion and confession amd expression of fear and anger but that private conversation with God, and that's dialogue but not necessarily without rebuke from the Lord. Eventually the Lord rebuked Job amd told him to brace himself, because all the questioning was going to turn the table towards Job. But worship.music is aimed toward God recognizing God's greatness, His Holiness and worthiness to be praised. That is edifying for the Lord amd foe others to be inspired to worship with. Regarding all the other things David wrote amd sung about in times of trouble amd war, those are all real but it's not as if the congregation of believers are all going to gather and criticize the psalms meant for adoring the Lord amd say "thst is not real". I think Bono is prob a bly a decent person but if he still hasn't found what he is looking for, he obviously isn't a true follower of Christ amd doesn't really know Him. He would be like the people hanging around who weren't in it for the long haul, as in John 6:66.