What does "self-report" mean and why is it a problem?
Here is an example of a self-report test. I ask you how fast you can type. You tell me 100 words per minute.
The problem is when I give you a typing test and we find you can only type 50 words per minute.
Giving you the typing test is what the psychologists call an "ability" test. But Reuven's test is "self-report" and is worth next to nothing, in my opinion, as a predictor of emotional intelligence.
There has also been little correlation shown between Reuven's test and the MSCEIT test. Here is something I found on David Caruso's website.
BarOn EQ-i - The correlation between the MSCEIT RV1.1 EIQ and the BarOn EQ-i was .13 (ns) in a sample of 130 ethnically diverse students (Pellettieri, 2001).
A correlation of .13 is very low and I think it is fair to say, insignificant. In other words, scoring highly on Reuven's test does not mean you are likely to score well on the MSCEIT test. And though I have concerns about the MSCEIT it is much more respected in the academic world than Reuven's test.