“Don't pretend.”
A few months ago one of my teammates in a match I'd solo queued into called me out on this. “What are you doing? I bet you saw that on Twitch or some shit, right?” He was right. I was “ADAD” spamming (quickly tapping A and D in alternation) to hold a corner on de_inferno. There was no purpose or tactical value to what I was doing, I was just miming something I'd seen in a tournament. It was the equivalent of doing a bunch of fancy dribbling in soccer with no one playing defense against me.
It's great to experiment with stuff you see in competitive play, but understanding the situational benefits of each maneuver is a huge step toward pulling it off successfully. After the ESL, I started backing away from my own flashbang grenades on entries, something I loved seeing in that tournament. But then I realized that my grenade placement wasn't nearly good enough to guarantee that I was flashing enemies at all—I was just imitating for the sake of imitating.