Siren 2 general/detail/info FAQ v.2.31 (28. 8. 2013)
Found out and compiled by AKheon
See the end of the file for more information.
Author's home site:
-1. Intro and abbreviations:
PC = Player character (the character you control)
NPC = Non-player character (a sidekick or an enemy, for example)
FPV = First Person View
M1 = Mission 1
M2 = Mission 2
FMV = Full motion video
The first thing you see is the language menu. You have the chance to choose
between the following languages: English - French - Italian - German - Spanish.
A short intro video in which a woman hums a strange tune in a tortured voice
starts, breaking the calm. The main menu appears. Unlike in Siren 1, nothing
interesting happens if you wait in the menu. The intro only repeats itself
endlessly, there are no in-game demos or nothing of that sort.
If you choose to load, nothing out of ordinary happens. You've seen this a
thousand times before. If you choose to start a new game, things work out
a bit differently from most games. First: brightness selector. Self-
explanatory, though notice that you can't cancel back to the main menu from
this screen. Then, difficulty selection - a brand new feature to Siren.
The different difficulties are as follows:
Easy: - enemies are laughably weak (or: you have a superior health)
- enemies stun easily (e.g. a barehanded attack can easily stun)
- there are less enemies
- enemies are not very aggressive or intelligent
- Shiryos/Yamirei spawn rarely if at all
- you get more weapons and ammunition
- you have really good stamina (can run c. 3 times more than on HARD)
Norm: - enemies are of an average stature
- default number of enemies present
- default weapons and ammunition
- you have less stamina
Hard: - enemies do more damage (or: you have a 'realistic' health)
- enemies do not stun easily (e.g. headshots are needed to stun)
- there are more enemies
- some enemies have new, better weapons
- enemies attack more fiercely
- enemies turn faster (may sound like a minor detail, but...)
- Shiryos/Yamirei spawn very quickly and in great amounts
- some item placement is different
- you get less ammunition
- your aim worsens (and sniper sight is less controllable)
- you have even less stamina
- hints are abridged
The only other option you have is (aptly titled) "Options". From there you can
manipulate some areas of your gaming experience to be. Let me just say you
have a lot more options that you had in Siren 1, including the chance to switch
audio language, use autosave and hints or turn a map marker on.
The game will instantly kick in with a cutscene.
Shu Mikami -03:00 (-3:45:12) "Tragedy"
Base Time Trial time on Normal: 00:20:00
Base Time Trial time on HARD: 00:19:00
Ominous noises in a dark room. Is it a dream? Is someone - or a group of
someones - breaking and entering? What is this 'it' they're trying to get?
- The location is Aonoku Settlement, second floor of the Mikami house.
- This level has no hints, objectives or checkpoints available.
Shu Mikami:
A 4-years old kid.
Gameplay constraints:
This level is unlike any of the rest. First of all, you are forced to remain
in FPV, first person view. Secondly, you can't enter any of the normal menus.
Thirdly, you can't run.
Shu's room:
This is the shortest level in the game. It's almost just like an interactive
cutscene where you're only supposed to move for short ways before you can
proceed. Notice there's an archive "Mermaid Princess Story" (017) available at
the room's floor. There's also a drawer you can open, but it's completely empty.
Other interesting things:
- Shu will emit a scream even if you walk to the gruesome scene backwards
or some way he couldn't possibly see what's there. He must've stepped on
broken glass. Poor boy!
Mission accomplished!
A video stage, Mamoru Itsuki's -07:00 (-7:00:07) "Bizarre". After that you
receive three archive items: Voice Recorder (006), Mamoru's Company I.D. (007),
and Akiko's Pendulum and Map (008).
Now you're at the Link Navigator. It is pretty easy to use once you get used
to it. Press 'square' for more instructions for the Link Navigator, or
practically anything else you'd need help for in this game. Don't worry,
I won't leave you on your own... just yet.
At the upper part of the screen you see info on the level, such as a list of
the difficulties you have completed the level on (it matters when unlocking
some bonuses of this game) and the level location. If you enter the 'Stage
summary'-screen you will see a written summary (if you have completed the level
once already) and also the mission's codename.
Chance for actual level selection is only an illusion at the beginning of this
game. You have but one new option every time you complete your previous level
until some time later. But it might not be a bad thing for the beginning of the
game to be a bit more straightforward for those new to the world of Siren.
I'm rambling and must've bored you. And to think you've only completed one
level of the entire game! Will you last 'til the end? The clock is ticking,
ticking, ticking away...
0. List of contents:
-1. Intro and abbreviations
0. List of contents, about this FAQ, version history
1. Tips & tricks & random info
2. The level-by-level listings
3. List of items
4. Unsorted extra material
5. Legal information, contact info, etc.
About this FAQ:
Running in the vein of my Siren 1 FAQ, except more practical. More than a normal
walkthrough, this is also a 'spoils list' pointing out all pickable items and
special activities, also containing a list for all sorts of interesting stuff
and glitches during the game. I will warn you about the dangers ahead and help
you get the most out of your time, so it's a walkthrough in that sense. It's all
about maximizing fun and minimizing time/frustration.
Lesser objectives?
This game has things called 'lesser objectives' which you must complete at some
point during your normal missions in order to finish the game. They range from
picking up an item to jumping through hoops all over the level (metaphorically).
They are mentioned too, with brief instructions for completion.
How about spoilers?
I generally don't mention what happens during cutscenes, but shocking events
during normal gameplay will be explored somewhat. Try to play the levels
yourself before resorting using this (or any) FAQ - this way you will have
more fun and more surprises.
Different difficulty levels?
If this is your first time through you shouldn't try Hard. Simply put, you're
going to die a lot in it if you don't know what you're doing. And getting out
of the dark isn't always easy - f.e. the hints are heavily abridged on hard.
In this guide I'm trying to accomodate info on all the difficulty
levels. My method of research is this: I play a level through on easy and hard
cataloguing the differences as I go. I think normal is very close to easy in
enemy and item placement, the only truly different mode being Hard. If during
a level something crucially different happens on hard, I put a "HARD note" to
mention about it.
About level order:
As you know, this game's gameplay is not linear. I'm going to save writing space
and frustration and set the levels by character, by row. Objectives and missions
are listed first M1 then M2. Do a search to find the level you're interested in
(or just browse).
Version history:
v. 2.31 (28. 8. 2013)
- just made small changes, like changed video links.
File size: 300kb.
v. 2.3 (9. 7. 2009)
- added reader suggestions
File size: 301kb.
v. 2.2 (23. 5. 2009)
- added a few video demonstrations
- corrected things
File size: 300kb.
v. 2.1 (1. 2. 2009)
- added a speed strategy for Ikuko's second level
- added other small things
File size: 299kb.
v. 2.0 (20. 11. 2008)
- corrected and updated text
File size: 298kb.
v. 1.9 (6. 11. 2008)
- listed one new big glitch (at one of Yorito's levels)
- added small stuff
- finished listing Normal Time Trial times
File size: 297kb
v. 1.8 (3. 10. 2008)
- added strategies
- finished listing HARD Time Trial times, all Normal times are still to come...
File size: 291kb.
v. 1.7 (15. 9. 2008)
- corrected info on a couple of places
File size: 286kb.
v. 1.6 (3. 9. 2008)
- corrected a couple of things
- continued adding Time Trial times
File size: 283kb.
v. 1.5 (27. 7. 2008)
- corrected and added info
- continued adding Time Trial times
File size: 280kb.
v. 1.4 (20. 7. 2008)
- corrected and added info
- continued adding Time Trial times
File size: 277kb.
v. 1.2 (30. 6. 2008)
- added info
File size: 271kb.
v. 1.1 (22. 6. 2008)
- corrected info
- added info
File size: 269kb.
v. 1.0 (15. 6. 2008)
- all known levels listed
File size: 266kb.
v. 0.8. (13. 4. 2008)
- the first levels are listed
File size: 85kb.
What to do in future versions?
- Add rest of character speech
- Add video demonstrations
Siren 2 resources:
For videos, there is nowadays a healthy selection to be found on the net.
(disclaimer: most of the links below are not affiliated with this FAQ. But
they're just THAT good to warrant a mention.)
For Siren 1 & 2 playthrough videos, you'd do good to check out Surrealgamer.
(his account no longer exists, unfortunately)
For speedruns and such, there are a few options available.
Yingpotter's site:
The vids in the upper column are for normal mode, the lower column is for
constrained HARD mode runs (e.g. keeping Stealth, No Damage, e.g. bonuses on
at all costs, leading to some
Siren 2 general/detail/info FAQ v.2.31 (28. 8. 2013)---------------------------------------------------Found out and compiled by AKheonSee the end of the file for more information.Author's home site: Intro and abbreviations:PC = Player character (the character you control)NPC = Non-player character (a sidekick or an enemy, for example)FPV = First Person ViewM1 = Mission 1M2 = Mission 2FMV = Full motion videoThe first thing you see is the language menu. You have the chance to choosebetween the following languages: English - French - Italian - German - Spanish.A short intro video in which a woman hums a strange tune in a tortured voicestarts, breaking the calm. The main menu appears. Unlike in Siren 1, nothinginteresting happens if you wait in the menu. The intro only repeats itselfendlessly, there are no in-game demos or nothing of that sort.If you choose to load, nothing out of ordinary happens. You've seen this athousand times before. If you choose to start a new game, things work outa bit differently from most games. First: brightness selector. Self-explanatory, though notice that you can't cancel back to the main menu fromthis screen. Then, difficulty selection - a brand new feature to Siren.The different difficulties are as follows:Easy: - enemies are laughably weak (or: you have a superior health) - enemies stun easily (e.g. a barehanded attack can easily stun) - there are less enemies - enemies are not very aggressive or intelligent - Shiryos/Yamirei spawn rarely if at all - you get more weapons and ammunition - you have really good stamina (can run c. 3 times more than on HARD)Norm: - enemies are of an average stature - default number of enemies present - default weapons and ammunition - you have less staminaHard: - enemies do more damage (or: you have a 'realistic' health) - enemies do not stun easily (e.g. headshots are needed to stun) - there are more enemies - some enemies have new, better weapons - enemies attack more fiercely - enemies turn faster (may sound like a minor detail, but...) - Shiryos/Yamirei spawn very quickly and in great amounts - some item placement is different - you get less ammunition - your aim worsens (and sniper sight is less controllable) - you have even less stamina - hints are abridgedThe only other option you have is (aptly titled) "Options". From there you canmanipulate some areas of your gaming experience to be. Let me just say youhave a lot more options that you had in Siren 1, including the chance to switchaudio language, use autosave and hints or turn a map marker on.The game will instantly kick in with a cutscene.Shu Mikami -03:00 (-3:45:12) "Tragedy"--------------------------------------Base Time Trial time on Normal: 00:20:00Base Time Trial time on HARD: 00:19:00Overview:Ominous noises in a dark room. Is it a dream? Is someone - or a group ofsomeones - breaking and entering? What is this 'it' they're trying to get?- The location is Aonoku Settlement, second floor of the Mikami house.- This level has no hints, objectives or checkpoints available.Shu Mikami:A 4-years old kid.Gameplay constraints:This level is unlike any of the rest. First of all, you are forced to remainin FPV, first person view. Secondly, you can't enter any of the normal menus.Thirdly, you can't run.Shu's room:This is the shortest level in the game. It's almost just like an interactivecutscene where you're only supposed to move for short ways before you canproceed. Notice there's an archive "Mermaid Princess Story" (017) available atthe room's floor. There's also a drawer you can open, but it's completely empty.Other interesting things:- Shu will emit a scream even if you walk to the gruesome scene backwards or some way he couldn't possibly see what's there. He must've stepped on broken glass. Poor boy!Mission accomplished!---------------------A video stage, Mamoru Itsuki's -07:00 (-7:00:07) "Bizarre". After that youreceive three archive items: Voice Recorder (006), Mamoru's Company I.D. (007),and Akiko's Pendulum and Map (008).Now you're at the Link Navigator. It is pretty easy to use once you get usedto it. Press 'square' for more instructions for the Link Navigator, orpractically anything else you'd need help for in this game. Don't worry,I won't leave you on your own... just yet.At the upper part of the screen you see info on the level, such as a list ofthe difficulties you have completed the level on (it matters when unlockingsome bonuses of this game) and the level location. If you enter the 'Stagesummary'-screen you will see a written summary (if you have completed the levelonce already) and also the mission's codename.Chance for actual level selection is only an illusion at the beginning of thisgame. You have but one new option every time you complete your previous leveluntil some time later. But it might not be a bad thing for the beginning of thegame to be a bit more straightforward for those new to the world of Siren.I'm rambling and must've bored you. And to think you've only completed onelevel of the entire game! Will you last 'til the end? The clock is ticking,ticking, ticking away...0. List of contents:---------------------1. Intro and abbreviations 0. List of contents, about this FAQ, version history 1. Tips & tricks & random info 2. The level-by-level listings 3. List of items 4. Unsorted extra material 5. Legal information, contact info, etc.About this FAQ:Running in the vein of my Siren 1 FAQ, except more practical. More than a normalwalkthrough, this is also a 'spoils list' pointing out all pickable items andspecial activities, also containing a list for all sorts of interesting stuffand glitches during the game. I will warn you about the dangers ahead and helpyou get the most out of your time, so it's a walkthrough in that sense. It's allabout maximizing fun and minimizing time/frustration.Lesser objectives?This game has things called 'lesser objectives' which you must complete at somepoint during your normal missions in order to finish the game. They range frompicking up an item to jumping through hoops all over the level (metaphorically).They are mentioned too, with brief instructions for completion.How about spoilers?I generally don't mention what happens during cutscenes, but shocking eventsduring normal gameplay will be explored somewhat. Try to play the levelsyourself before resorting using this (or any) FAQ - this way you will havemore fun and more surprises.Different difficulty levels?If this is your first time through you shouldn't try Hard. Simply put, you'regoing to die a lot in it if you don't know what you're doing. And getting outof the dark isn't always easy - f.e. the hints are heavily abridged on hard. In this guide I'm trying to accomodate info on all the difficultylevels. My method of research is this: I play a level through on easy and hardcataloguing the differences as I go. I think normal is very close to easy inenemy and item placement, the only truly different mode being Hard. If duringa level something crucially different happens on hard, I put a "HARD note" tomention about it.About level order:As you know, this game's gameplay is not linear. I'm going to save writing spaceand frustration and set the levels by character, by row. Objectives and missionsare listed first M1 then M2. Do a search to find the level you're interested in
(or just browse).
Version history:
v. 2.31 (28. 8. 2013)
- just made small changes, like changed video links.
File size: 300kb.
v. 2.3 (9. 7. 2009)
- added reader suggestions
File size: 301kb.
v. 2.2 (23. 5. 2009)
- added a few video demonstrations
- corrected things
File size: 300kb.
v. 2.1 (1. 2. 2009)
- added a speed strategy for Ikuko's second level
- added other small things
File size: 299kb.
v. 2.0 (20. 11. 2008)
- corrected and updated text
File size: 298kb.
v. 1.9 (6. 11. 2008)
- listed one new big glitch (at one of Yorito's levels)
- added small stuff
- finished listing Normal Time Trial times
File size: 297kb
v. 1.8 (3. 10. 2008)
- added strategies
- finished listing HARD Time Trial times, all Normal times are still to come...
File size: 291kb.
v. 1.7 (15. 9. 2008)
- corrected info on a couple of places
File size: 286kb.
v. 1.6 (3. 9. 2008)
- corrected a couple of things
- continued adding Time Trial times
File size: 283kb.
v. 1.5 (27. 7. 2008)
- corrected and added info
- continued adding Time Trial times
File size: 280kb.
v. 1.4 (20. 7. 2008)
- corrected and added info
- continued adding Time Trial times
File size: 277kb.
v. 1.2 (30. 6. 2008)
- added info
File size: 271kb.
v. 1.1 (22. 6. 2008)
- corrected info
- added info
File size: 269kb.
v. 1.0 (15. 6. 2008)
- all known levels listed
File size: 266kb.
v. 0.8. (13. 4. 2008)
- the first levels are listed
File size: 85kb.
What to do in future versions?
- Add rest of character speech
- Add video demonstrations
Siren 2 resources:
For videos, there is nowadays a healthy selection to be found on the net.
(disclaimer: most of the links below are not affiliated with this FAQ. But
they're just THAT good to warrant a mention.)
For Siren 1 & 2 playthrough videos, you'd do good to check out Surrealgamer.
(his account no longer exists, unfortunately)
For speedruns and such, there are a few options available.
Yingpotter's site:
The vids in the upper column are for normal mode, the lower column is for
constrained HARD mode runs (e.g. keeping Stealth, No Damage, e.g. bonuses on
at all costs, leading to some
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