where the change of configurational energy View the MathML source is given by Eq. (7).
For the simulation of the vapor-phase chemical equilibrium of the ternary system at given values of temperature T and pressure P, the following four-stage strategy was implemented. In the first stage, by specifying the ethylene to water feed mole ratio and defining an initial number of ethanol molecules in the simulation box equal to zero, the initial numbers of ethylene and water molecules were defined from a total number of 900 molecules. In the second stage, an NVT-ensemble simulation (with N = 900 molecules) was carried out with an arbitrary vapor-density value and for a total number of 1 × 106 moves (molecular displacements and rotations), 60% of which were used to equilibrate the configurational energy. In the third stage, starting from the final configuration obtained after the NVT run, an NPT-ensemble simulation was carried out for a total number of 3 × 106 moves (using a ratio of one volume change to N molecular displacements and rotations), 60% of which were used to equilibrate the density and the configurational energy. In the fourth stage, starting from the final configuration obtained after the NPT run, a RxMC simulation (at the fixed conditions of temperature T and pressure P) was carried out for a total number of 1 × 106 moves, using a ratio of 10 volume changes to N molecular displacements and rotations and N reaction steps, the latter of which were taken in both directions (forward and backward) with equal probability. Ensemble averages were computed for the numbers of molecules of the three components and from these averages, the molar composition of the ternary system in chemical equilibrium was calculated. Statistical uncertainties (error bars) associated to the RxMC ensemble-averages were calculated by means of the block averaging method of Flyvbjerg and Petersen [49].
การเปลี่ยนแปลงของพลังงาน configurational ดูต้น MathML ที่ถูกกำหนด โดย Eq. (7)For the simulation of the vapor-phase chemical equilibrium of the ternary system at given values of temperature T and pressure P, the following four-stage strategy was implemented. In the first stage, by specifying the ethylene to water feed mole ratio and defining an initial number of ethanol molecules in the simulation box equal to zero, the initial numbers of ethylene and water molecules were defined from a total number of 900 molecules. In the second stage, an NVT-ensemble simulation (with N = 900 molecules) was carried out with an arbitrary vapor-density value and for a total number of 1 × 106 moves (molecular displacements and rotations), 60% of which were used to equilibrate the configurational energy. In the third stage, starting from the final configuration obtained after the NVT run, an NPT-ensemble simulation was carried out for a total number of 3 × 106 moves (using a ratio of one volume change to N molecular displacements and rotations), 60% of which were used to equilibrate the density and the configurational energy. In the fourth stage, starting from the final configuration obtained after the NPT run, a RxMC simulation (at the fixed conditions of temperature T and pressure P) was carried out for a total number of 1 × 106 moves, using a ratio of 10 volume changes to N molecular displacements and rotations and N reaction steps, the latter of which were taken in both directions (forward and backward) with equal probability. Ensemble averages were computed for the numbers of molecules of the three components and from these averages, the molar composition of the ternary system in chemical equilibrium was calculated. Statistical uncertainties (error bars) associated to the RxMC ensemble-averages were calculated by means of the block averaging method of Flyvbjerg and Petersen [49].
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