Machine vision (system vision) it's a apply computer vision in industry. While computer vision is focused mainly on
image processing at the level of hardware, machine vision most often requires the use of additional hardware I/O
(input/output) and computer networks to transmit information generated by the other process components, such as a robot
arm. Machine vision is a subcategory of engineering machinery, dealing with issues of information technology, optics,
mechanics and industrial automation. One of the most common applications of machine vision is inspection of the products
such as microprocessors, cars, food and pharmaceuticals. Machine vision systems are used increasingly to solve problems of
industrial inspection, allowing for complete automation of the inspection process and to increase its accuracy and efficiency.
As is the case for inspection of products on the production line, made by people, so in case of application for that purpose
machine vision systems are used digital cameras, smart cameras and image processing software. This paper presents the
possible applications of machine vision in the present.