Suryakanta | May 10, 2013 | Concrete, Concrete Technology, How To, Tests On Concrete, Tests On Hardened Concrete | 1 Comment
The tests are required to determine the strength of concrete and therefore its suitability for the job.
IS : 516-1959 – Methods of tests for strength of concrete.
Compression testing machine (2000 KN)
Curing tank/Accelerated curing tank
Balance (0-10 Kg)
Compressive Strength Test on Concrete
Compressive Strength Test on Concrete
Representative samples of concrete shall be taken and used for casting cubes 15 cm x 15 cm x 15 cm or cylindrical specimens of 15 cm dia x 30 cm long.
The concrete shall be filled into the moulds in layers approximately 5 cm deep. It would be distributed evenly and compacted either by vibration or by hand tamping. After the top layer has been compacted, the surface of concrete shall be finished level with the top of the mould using a trowel; and covered with a glass plate to prevent evaporation.
The specimen shall be stored at site for 24+ ½ h under damp matting or sack. After that, the samples shall be stored in clean water at 27+20C; until the time of test. The ends of all cylindrical specimens that are not plane within 0.05 mm shall be capped.
Just prior to testing, the cylindrical specimen shall be capped with sulphur mixture comprising 3 parts sulphur to 1 part of inert filler such as fire clay.
Specimen shall be tested immediately on removal from water and while they are still in wet condition.
The bearing surface of the testing specimen shall be wiped clean and any loose material removed from the surface. In the case of cubes, the specimen shall be placed in the machine in such a manner that the load cube as cast, that is, not to the top and bottom.
Align the axis of the specimen with the steel platen, do not use any packing.
The load shall be applied slowly without shock and increased continuously at a rate of approximately 140 kg/ until the resistance of the specimen to the increased load breaks down and no greater load can be sustained. The maximum load applied to the specimen shall then be recorded and any unusual features noted at the time of failure brought out in the report.