The remainder of this paper will explore how best the dairy industry may utilize spent distillers grains and de-alcoholized fermentation residues from corn as it is the dominant feedstock used in Midwest ethanol plants. After removal of the ethanol through a distillation process, the whole stillage is run through a centrifuge or series of screens and presses where the solid undissolved grain particles are separated from the dissolved solids. The dissolved solids, which are carried in the thin stillage, are then concentrated into syrup through multiple effect evaporators. The syrup may then be marketed as condensed distillers solubles (CDS) or dried as such to become dried distillers solubles (DDS). However, very little CDS or DDS is presently produced. In most plants the solubles are added to the grain or cake (wet distillers grain with solubles. WDGS or dried distillers grain with solubles. DDGS)