In the second experiment cell lysates were generated by phage infection.the samples were prepared inoculating E.coli samples with 1 ไมโครลิตร/มิลลิลิตร of phages 10ยกกำลัง 11 PFU/มิลลิลิตร and left at 37องศา under shaking for 2 hours.the results (figure 3)confirmed the experiment also in terms of the trend existing between conductivity variation and cell concentretion as a linear relation exists in the ล็อค 10 vs.ล๊อค 10 graphic.those results seem indicating that the conductivity variation is relatively smaller at higher cell concentration in comparison to the correspondent variation that is generated at low cell concentration.It is suggested that the cells lyses may implicate sequestration of conductive mlecles.