There were 57 males and 56 females (male:female ratio of 1.01:1). The preschool children (1–5 years) were the most commonly represented age group, accounting for 52 (46.0%) of the children, followed by school-age children (36 [31.9%]), infants (15 [13.3%]), and adolescents (10 [8.8%]). The mean–standard deviation (SD) ages at diagnosis and presentation were 1.35–1.01 years and 4.74–2.13 years, respectively. About two thirds of them, 77 (68.1%), were from a lower socioeconomic class (IV and V) and the mean–SD weight and height of the children were 19.90–3.12kg and 94.21–16.75cm, respectively. As shown in Table 1, the