To investigate whether there is a common understanding of site safety responsibilities among A/Es, GCs, and subcontractors, a telephone and written survey was taken of a sample of firms located throughout Pennsylvania in March and April of 2000. Firms were randomly selected from the yellow pages for the metropolitan areas of Harrisburg, Philadelphia, and Pittsburgh; design engineers were randomly selected from the central Pennsylvania ASCE directory of members. Firms were contacted by telephone and asked if the employee or manager most knowledgeable about safety management within the firm would participate in a brief, confidential survey. Most respondents participated through a 16- question telephone questionnaire. A small portion of respondents preferred to complete the questionnaire in writing via facsimile machine. The participation rates were approximately 30% for GCs and subcontractors, and over 50% for designers. A total of 105 firms participated in the survey, including 54 civil engineering design firms, 26 GCs, and 25 subcontractors. Of the 54 firms that offered civil engineering design services, 32% of these firms also reported that they offered construction management services and 8% reported that they at least occasionally participated in design/build projects.