- Atom Name
o The name of the atom.
- Send to
o A rule that determines to which output channel a product atom needs to be sent. There are a number of rules predefined (see also Send to), but you can also create your own rule via a 4Dscript expression.
- Input strategy
o A rule that determines to which output channel a product atom needs to be sent. There are a number of rules predefined (see also Send to), but you can also create your own rule via a 4DScript expression.
- Product to send
o When the Ground Storage is ready to send a new product; this code will be evaluated to see which product should be send. The sequence of the product depends on the Queue Discipline.
- Queue Discipline
When a product enters, this code will specify the way products are ranked in the Ground Storage. This is not related to the place (row and column) of the product in the warehouse.
- Trigger on entry
o A rule that determines what kind of action needs to be executed when a product atom enters the Ground Storage atom. There are a number of rules predefined (see also Trigger on entry and exit), but you can also create your own rule by writing a 4DScript expression.
- Trigger on exit
o A rule that determines what of action needs to be executed when a product atom exits the Ground Storage atom. There are number of rules predefined (see also Trigger on entry and exit), but you can also create your own rule using 4DScript.