2.2. Preparation of muffins
The muffin formulation contained the ingredients typically used for muffin preparation: 34.05% wheat flour; 32.13% water; 15.42% sugar; 13.88% fat; 2.57% nonfat dry milk powder; 1.29% baking powder; 0.53% dry egg white; and 0.13% salt (weight basis). To determine the maximum dose of GP that could be included in the muffin formula without altering consumer acceptability, GP was incorporated into muffins, replacing 10%, 20%, and 30% of the wheat flour in the muffin recipe. The dough (60 g) was placed into paper muffin cups and baked in a preheated oven at 180 _C for 20 min. After baking, the muffins were cooled to room temperature and packed in polypropylene pouches. They were then sealed until sensory and texture analysis. Other muffins intended for chemical analysis were frozen, freezedried, ground into a fine powder, and stored at _18 _C in airtight vials.