Six ways Globalization has impacted my life.
The first thing I thought of was the toys I bought this Christmas for my niece they are all made in places where labor is cheap and therefore manufacturing is less expensive, than toys mad in the US.
This is a dilemma each year since I would like to buy toys made in the US simply because the chance that they contain lead paint is very low, however I am happy that they toys are so cheap because that way I have more money to spend on all the other people in my life.
The second way globalization effects me is that all my clothes are made somewhere in Asia. Again we have the same reason why I am happy about this is because it is cheaper if the clothes are made in China or Taiwan but on the other hand every now and then I do think about the sweat shops that they probably where made in, and the little to no wage the makers of my clothes received. I also benefit when buying shoes out of the same reasons.
As a German, I am very happy about globalization since I can order all the foods I miss on the internet. I am able to do business with people on the other side of the world in a minutes’ notice. For the most part it makes me happy, but diet wise it is a bad thing since many German food products are very unhealthy.
The forth way that globalization benefits me is that I am able to chat with all my friends around the world. Since we decided in class that the internet is a big help to globalization I figure that keeping in touch with people all over the world is an affect. But if it is not’ then I do benefit from the fact that companies can now do business thanks to video conferences and therefore make deals faster, which for me, means that I can receive an I-pod faster.
Because of the internet, I am thankful for the fifth way globalization affects me. As someone who grew up in a different part of the world I am glad that I can simply check international news sites and see what is happening back home. Also as somebody living in Europe, it is important to know what is going on in the US since many political decisions can effect Europeans in their everyday life.
This leads to my sixth reason. As Ex President Bush decided to attack Iraq, Germany got a heads up warning that this will most likely lead to oil being more expensive and consequently many products that depend on oil for production will be more expensive. It did not surprise the people as the above stated happened. We were still not happy about it but we knew it was coming. Summed up, because a country far away started a war with another country also far away everything in Germany became more expensive.