1. Introduction
The road to success for companies in today’s economic environment is more demanding than ever and the
capacity of adapting to the rapid changes is compensatory in order to resist on the market. The managers struggle,
daily, with increasingly complex problems, caused by fierce competition in the market but also from the rising
demands of customers. In this harsh environment the temptation of choosing an easy solution, for resolving everyday
problems, is very high, although usually the easiest solutions bring short-term profit it can affect the long-term profit
or event the survival of the company.
This article approaches the idea of ethics and deontology in business, taking into account the new challenges of
the current economic environment. In our study we were a bit influenced by the Romania’s economic context, where
ethics and deontology in business are two concepts differently understood by each company, or in many cases this
concepts are similarly to a degree of naivety.
The concept of business ethics is presented in Belak, (2012) as a form of applied ethics or professional ethics that
examines ethical principles and moral or ethical problems that arise in a business environment. This applies to all
aspects of business conduct and is relevant to the conduct of individuals and entire organizations.