Today I have been at the farm and helped with babies that have just been born, they are so beautiful Nicha ,so pure an innocent and following their mother everywhere( a little bit like cherry the way she follows you)
You say you have many questions to ask me, I have told you before that you can ask me anything and I will answer you and will always be truthful to you, so do not worry that I might be annoyed. You should never have any fear of me so please ask whatever you want.
It is very hot here now in Brisbane but the weather is wonderful to be near the water and beach. Tomorrow I meet my son for lunch, it will be nice to see him and catch up
Nicha it was the very best thing to come and see you as you are now so real to me which makes me understand you a little more and care for you more. So I am sorry you think I have not written to you much, I will improve my efforts so that you will not get lonely or forget me. Love you princess