Observation in the ward he seemed to be hyperactive before the medication adjustment period was over. Psychotherapeutic intervention given to the patient. After the acute phase around one month restlessness reduced, was very co-operative, reduced sleeplessness, irritable mood, hallucination. Apart from the medical management after ten days following things were observed and he improved in self-care activities like taking bath himself, combing hair, sharing self, dressing properly, washing his cloth, diverting his mind into engaging in the indoor games from the bed. Slowly getting involvement in the typewriting work at least one page with minimal supervision around 20-25 minutes. Reduced the talkativeness due to engaging in games and work. Therapist always used soft voice for co-operation with the activity scheduling and also used the Jacobsen technique which is one of the stress management techniques for getting full relaxation of his mind. Now he is asking about the time scheduling in Tamil version and its purpose. After his discharge he followed up in OPD for continuing of his medication and he continued to maintain his improvement