Approval to embark on the study was obtained from the authorities of the schools. The purpose and content of the questionnaire was carefully explained to the students in order to ensure proper responses. Consent was obtained from the students who were 18 years and above, and from the teachers for those below 18 years, in addition to their assent. Thereafter, the first researcher personally administered the questionnaires to participants in the class rooms. Data collected was analysed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 19. Descriptive statistics such as frequencies was used to summarize the data and presented in tables. Inferential statistics such as Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient was used to test hypotheses 1, 2 and 3 using the total scores of psychological distress. Hypotheses 4, 5 and 6 were tested using the Chi square with psychological distress scores grouped into present and absent using the bimodal scale (0-0-1-1 for the 4 responses) and a cut off of 4 (Makanjuola et al., 2014) .