One way to gauge the influence of someone
on Twitter is to view their Klout score.
Klout is a Web service that measures users’
online influence based on their ability to
drive action. On Twitter, for instance, the
number of times folks reply and re-tweet
messages indicates they are impacting the
conversation greatly. ASCD, a membership
organization, formerly known as the
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, that develops programs
and products that are essential for educators,
is one of the most influential voices
in education on Twitter. ASCD scored
a Klout score of 56, which, albeit is relatively
low when compared to Lady Gaga’s
93, but very high when equated to average
users, like a certain District Administration
editor, who scored a mere 22. ASCD has
proven its message on Twitter is valuable
to many, and visiting the Klout Web site
can allow users to view the scores of other
people they intend to follow.