T is well recognized that broiler
uniformity is benefi cial for
optimal on-farm performance.
Better homogeneity reduces the
variability of nutrient requirements
for individual birds, and a lower
safety margin is needed to meet the
requirements of all birds. Therefore,
feed costs can be reduced and
performance improved.
However, less variation in bird
weight doesn’t just improve effi ciency
on the farm. Today, a large proportion
of broiler meat is purchased by
retailers and fast-food chains with
rather tight specifi cations, and failing
to meet these specifi cations impairs
the value of the output from the
processing plant.
As discussed by Cosgriff (2008), the
lower value is related to several stages
in the slaughtering and processing
of the broilers. It is estimated that
the value of carcasses not meeting
specifi cations decreases by more than
40%. Thus, poor broiler uniformity can
be a very costly matter.
This article will discuss some of
the reasons for broiler variation, and
recommendations will be given to
reduce the effect of feed on broiler
fl ock homogeneity. Additionally, the
actual measurement of homogeneity
will be discussed as it is important to
be able to detect when homogeneity
on the farm level is substandard in
order to actively improve it.