Efficacy of Formulations on Fusarium Wilt under After treatment, all the treated seeding were
Greenhouse Conditions transplanted in to the pathogen infested (substrate at 5
Plant Material: Tomato variety Co-4 was used for in vitro percent (w/w) was mixed with sterilized soil) pots at the
and the greenhouse experiments in the entire period of rate single seedlings per pot. Three replications were
investigation. All seeds were surface-disinfected with 1% maintained in each treatment and the experiment was
sodium hypochlorite for 5 min and rinsed three times conducted in CRD. Plants in the greenhouse were watered
in sterile distilled water prior to sowing. Tomato seeds daily.. Beginning a week after inoculation, external
for glasshouse experiments were sown in trays symptoms of Fusarium wilt (wilting and yellowing leaves)
(27 x 42 x 7 cm3) containing an autoclaved mixture of were assessed. And the disease severity was assessed as
1:1(v:v) ratio of vermiculite and sand. Trays were
maintained on benches in a glasshouse without artificial
light for 4-5 weeks before transplanting. After some days,
when the seedlings had 2-4 leaves, they were carefully
transplanted into the pots.