Who's Ever Dated a Werewolf?
It's fun, of course, all these stories about vampires and werewolves. But, seriously, haven't you done with these artificial thrills yet? Imagine yourself as the lead character in the story: Wouldn't you prefer an honest, ordinary boyfriend or girlfriend without paranormal gifts, mega rich parents or distant uncles, criminal record or dark secrets? isn't life-as-it-is complex and uncertain enough?
Stories that actually sound believable
Stories you can believe in and easily relate to, such is exactly what you will find in Dean Amory’s Young Love Novels Part 1, A Schoolyard Love Story and Part 2, First Love’s Shadow: Young Love has something irresistible, innocent and endearing and knows such deep emotions, that there is no need for surrogates. In Dean Amory's Young Love stories, you will recognize the unique rhythm that echoes the cadence and energy of youth and all the uncertainties and overpowering emotions that come with true young love. The genuine underlying pulse will quickly capture your imagination and the unique approach will allow you to look at YOUNG LOVE from a rarely exploited angle, which is the young man’s perspective.
These are two authentic and original high school romance novels that have it all: they will take you back to life at a high school in Flanders, Europe in the early seventies. In a setting like this, your parents may have tried to deal with their first love experiences, or - if you are an older reader - you may recognize yourself and start wondering what became of that pretty, witty school girl you dated at the time.
Young Love, part 1: "A Schoolyard Love Story": The Eternal Love that Didn't Last
"Young Love part 1, A school Yard Love Story", introduces 17 year old Sean and Katherine. The two instantly fall in love when they first meet at the start of the new school year. Their relationship is very intense right from the start. Soon Katherine realises that Sean's reputation and the depth of their bond risks to undermine her studies and disrupt the good understanding with her teachers and parents, Katherine feels she should break up, but cannot.
After what probably was the most beautiful evening shared together, Katherine becomes really afraid that she will engage herself too much and dumps Sean. At first, both young people try to get on with their life, but soon it becomes clear that, if going together was complicated, letting go of each other seems to be impossible.