We unscrewed the turnbuckles and released the cable. Then we raised the launching end up almost 2' on the tree (once again, good thing we used a sling and didn't drill an eye bolt permanently through the tree!). While we were at it, we also raised the bottom end of the zip-line about another foot. Reconnecting the cable to the turnbuckles was a challenge, but we learned a trick which worked quite well. It became quickly obvious that there was no way we were going to be able to just pull the cable back over to the turnbuckle - the weight of the line was causing way, way too much tension for us. So, we got some old rope, tied it to the end of the cable and then connected a carabiner to the turnbuckle and ran the rope through it. This way we could pull on the rope which would pull the cable closer to the turnbuckle, but the caribiner gave us some much needed leverage to accomplish this. While I pulled the cable, my brother got ready to put the bolt through it to connect it. Here's an out-of-focus picture of the rig once we got it pulled together: