The COSHH Regulations impose duties on the University to protect its staff and any other persons, whether at work or not, who may be affected by the University's work involving substances hazardous to health, including biological agents. The Regulations, and compliance with them, must constitute an integral part of the management system of the University’s Faculties/Departments. Compliance with the Regulations not only ensures compliance with the law, but will prevent incidence of ill health, ensure best working practice and will encourage the evolution of a positive health and safety culture within the organization, whereby our students will be taught by example, the best standards of health and safety.
In order to ensure compliance with the Regulations Heads of School, or equivalent, must ensure that work is not undertaken that is liable to expose any employees, or others, to any substance hazardous to health and to make certain that the exposure is kept to a minimum after a suitable and sufficient risk assessment is undertaken .
The purpose of an assessment is to enable a valid decision to be made about measures necessary to control substances hazardous to health arising from any work. It also enables the employer to demonstrate readily, both to himself and other persons, that all the factors have been considered, and that an informed and valid judgments has been reached about the risks, and the steps that need to be taken to achieve and maintain adequate control.