Hey (f/n)." Eren said with her back to you.
"I'm really enjoying this date."
You grinned and ran towards the man closest to you as Eren ran at someone else. As soon as you reached him you were immediately punched in the face and forced to the ground. Quickly shaking off the pain you rose up; ramming your knee into his crotch. He went down like a brick and you quickly spun and smashed your elbow into the man who had came forward to help his friend.
Looking over you saw that Eren had finished with her side as well. When you made eye contact with her you noticed a bruise on her cheek and she noticed a cut on yours from where the man hit you. After a couple of seconds you both broke out laughing as you stood in the middle of five collapsed men.
You finally got back to where you were both staying. It was a small hotel but it was well kept and had enough open rooms so that Eren and Mikasa could sleep in one and you could sleep in another. As you stood outside you room, which was before hers, you quickly pulled her in and kissed her before you lost your courage.
"Sorry our date didn't go as I planned Eren." You apologized to her while you held her close to you.
"What are you talking about?" She asked you as she snuggled into your arms. "It was perfect."
She looked up into your (e/c) eyes and kissed you. You pulled her in close as you kissed her back, wishing that this moment would never end. Eventually it had to though. However, Eren refused to go back into her room and instead slept with you. You felt her warmth on you for the entire night as you fell asleep to the beat of her heart and the sound of her breathing.
Back where you were attacked the man who had caused a cut on your face was on the painful receiving side of a knife. The knife cut painfully through his member as blood splattered everywhere. Even onto the hair and clothes of Mikasa. She saw the cut that he had given you. The mark that he had left on your perfect face. She would never forgive him.
After she had removed his member she began to work on each individual toe and finger until the man eventually died. The screams that he made turned on Mikasa and she thought of you. She knew that you had probably kissed Eren and she was okay with that. As long as you hadn't done anything else with her like share a bed. Because in the end you would be all hers. And no one would get in her way. Not even Eren.