Well, Emma, I’m still drunk, but drunk, but it’s stopped raining.
I’m going out now to meet some Dutch people in a bar. I
Met them earlier today. They’re all girls. They’re nice. Don’t
Forget – the Taj Mahal at noon on 1 August. I’ll find you.
After he had finished the letter, Dexter took a cold shower
And soon he was feeling better. He was almost sober now. As
He was dressing, he saw the letter, lying on his bed. Should he
Send it? Suddenly he felt nervous. He’d called her sexy!
He’d asked her to live with him. Would she be angry with him?
Would she come to India? Did he really want to see her that
Much? He decided that he did. He decided that he would post
The letter that evening. He put it in his pocket and he went
Out. Then he walked happily to the bar Where his new friends
Were waiting.
At about nine o’clock that evening Dexter left the bar with
One of his Dutch friends – her name was Renee. As they left,
They bumped into a large German girl with a huge backpack.
She was a student form Cologne and she was called Heidi. She
Was tired and cross, and she swore quietly at Dexter- it had
Been a long day. She crossed the room and sat down heavily
On the sofa where Dexter had been sitting. A few minutes later
She moved sideways across the sofa and felt something hard
Pressing into her leg. She swore again. There was an envelope
Between the cushions of the sofa. She pulled it out and looked
at it.
Heidi opened the envelope and took out the letter. She read
It to the end. Her English wasn’t very good, but she understood
Most of the letter. She realized that it was important. It was
The kind of letter she wanted someone to write to her. It was a
It. But there was no was no name written on the envelope. And there
Was no address written on the letter. What could she do? Sadly,
She realized there was nothing she could do.