Tree nursery MSEs were being carried out by 4 per cent of the sampled WGs. These
MSEs are carried out in the farms owned by individual members, since most WGs do
not have their own land. The success of these MSEs therefore depends on the reaction
of the husband of the member in whose farm the project is located. It was also noted
that most WGs operate tree nursery MSEs on a seasonal basis thriving only during the
long and short rains seasons. Hence the MSEs depend very much on weather
conditions. Sometimes the tree seedlings overgrow due to lack of demand. Some WGs
indicated that they give the seedlings to members to plant in their own farms free of
charge in case supply outweighs demand. None of the groups involved in the tree
nursery MSEs indicated success. Instead it was a story of misery, despair and
frustration. When the failure rate was computed, it was found to be 100 per cent for the
tree nursery MSEs. This failure implies that efforts had been wasted, work had been
done in vain, hope had been frustrated and money spent for nothing (UNESCO, 1994).
Tree nursery MSEs were being carried out by 4 per cent of the sampled WGs. TheseMSEs are carried out in the farms owned by individual members, since most WGs donot have their own land. The success of these MSEs therefore depends on the reactionof the husband of the member in whose farm the project is located. It was also notedthat most WGs operate tree nursery MSEs on a seasonal basis thriving only during thelong and short rains seasons. Hence the MSEs depend very much on weatherconditions. Sometimes the tree seedlings overgrow due to lack of demand. Some WGsindicated that they give the seedlings to members to plant in their own farms free ofcharge in case supply outweighs demand. None of the groups involved in the treenursery MSEs indicated success. Instead it was a story of misery, despair andfrustration. When the failure rate was computed, it was found to be 100 per cent for thetree nursery MSEs. This failure implies that efforts had been wasted, work had beendone in vain, hope had been frustrated and money spent for nothing (UNESCO, 1994).
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