The Scarlet Letter held it in my hands, wondering, and it seemed to me that the scarlet letter had some deep meaning, which l could no understand. Then held the letter to my chest and you must not doubt my words-experienced a strange feeling of burning heat. Suddenly the letter seemed to be not red material, but red-hot metal. I trembled, and let the letter fall upon the floor Then I saw that there was an old packet of papers next to its place in the box. opened the packet carefully and began to read. There were several papers, explaining the history of the scarlet letter, and containing many details of the life and experiences of a woman called Hester Prynne. She had died long ago, sometime in the 1690s, but many people in the state of Massachusetts at that time had known her name and story. And it is Hester P story that I tell you now. It is a story of the early years of Boston, soon after the city Fathers ha built with their own hands the first wooden buildings the houses, the churches and the prison. Hest n that Jun seventeenth cen building. But it a surrounded by 1 wild rose growi flowers seemed into that place, A crowd of p beards, and w There were wo the heavy woo the faces, and what was g the bright wide ski