Self-Sufficient Living in Global Warming The global warming is the condition that the world average temperature increases both the air near the Earth's surface and the water in the ocean. It is caused by human life doesn’t suffice but they do accordingly to their needs, so that they do not considerate about the impact that would occur in their own life. The major cause of global warming is greenhouse gasses rising from the activities of man. Instead, Greenhouse gasses are rising to unite on the Earth's atmosphere making the sun's rays that should be reflecting back out to the right amount, it is stored by a greenhouse gas. As a result, global temperatures rise steadily more than usual. The impact of global warming, we have seen; for example, weather anomalies from the original, natural disasters more severe, floods, earthquakes to epidemics of new diseases or disappearing diseases may happen again. The future impact of global warming will be more severe if we do not help each other. The ways in order to reduce the global warming are diverse; for example, the use of energy-efficient because of the resources that we use today will be available had through many the process of producing, and each step will cause greenhouse gasses. Moreover, turning off lights when not use and bringing paper or other containers to reuse or recycle, it also helps to reduce the global warming. However, the simplest way is living sufficiently. Sufficient is to live with a middle line. Use available resources to maximize the benefits and value that's the main theory of the King. Every human being can live just by thinking about the need for spending such as buying only what is really needed. Use items that are available to maximize the benefits. If our lifestyle is not sufficient, it will result in global warming. Therefore everyone should be aware of the global warming's problem is happening in the current. However, everything that happens there is always a solution. In this issue, we can be resolved by changing the routine life to self-sufficiency and living with the notion of the middle line. Therefore, if everyone participates, we will protect our planet, and stay together any longer.
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