Question 10: Explain how you might use Fishbone Diagrams, Pareto Charts and XY Charts in problem solving. Be specific and describe advantages for each tool.
Fishbone: A fishbone diagram is an analysis tool that represents the possible causes of a problem as a graphical outline. When using a fishbone diagram, an analyst first states the problem and draws a main bone with sub-bones that represent possible causes of the problem and identifies four areas to investigate: environment, workers, management, and machines. In each area, the analyst identifies possible causes and draws them as horizontal sub-bones. For example, too hot is a possible cause in the environment bone. For each cause, the analyst must dig deeper and ask the question: What could be causing this symptom to occur? For example, why is it too hot? If the answer is insufficient air conditioning capacity, the analyst indicates this as a sub-bone to the too hot cause. In this manner, the analyst adds additional sub-bones to the diagram, until he or she uncovers root causes of a problem, rather than just the symptoms.