Secret Key Watermarking in WAV Audio file in
Perceptual Domain
Abstract— Digital audio watermarking is a system of insertion
and detection of the key which called watermarking key in host
audio to prove the intellectual property right of the audio files. In
this paper I proposed an enhanced method for watermark
generation and embedding according to input audio clip. The
generated key is embedded in audio clip with sampling rate of
44.1 KHz with consideration of properties of perceptual domain
of human auditory system. Audio clip sequences particularly
uses th direct sequence spread spectrum by utilizing the concept
of watermark key .The embedding algorithm creates 128 samples
and calculates masking threshold value. The Fast Fourier
Transform operates at 128 points at each samples and single bit
of key is added. After that 128 point reverse mode of Fast Fourier
Transformation is taken to write the audio samples in output
sequences. The extraction algorithm reads both original and
watermarked audio clips and matches each bits from both input
audio samples to determine the differences. If there is difference,
it is considered as key bit difference and extracted.