Writing and reading have stepped to a variety such as knowledge, process and applied.
Knowledge of writing was divided into types of writing and writing skills.
There are four types of writing such as 1. Expository 2. Descriptive 3. Persuasive and 4. Narrative.
Writing skills such as 1. Controlled writing is activities in teaching writing skills. The teaching content and format for language learners in writing.
2. Guided writing or composition is activities to practice writing skills. Developed from a controlled writing. The teaching content and language patterns partially. For students used to write. The instructor may start a sentence. The last sentence questions or information needed for writing. Activities of writing this guide may be used text from the media, such as pictures or cartoons, brochures about attractions, newspaper ads and etc.
3. Free composition is an activity to practice writing skills. Developed from Controlled writing. The teacher is teaching content and forms part of the language. For students used to write. The instructor may start a sentence. The last sentence questions or information needed for writing. Activities of writing this guide may use such messages from the media such as, pictures or cartoons, brochures about attractions, Newspaper ads and etc.
The writing process is teaching writing by bringing the knowledge and writing skills using together, such as selecting writing of type in narrative writing the story you want to tell or communicate to others recognition, coupled with the practice independent. May find a story to study before writing a story.
Applied the Knowledge and writing process used to writing letters to various. Either, writing letters formal and informal. Writing memoir and writing to study every day.