This carbohydrate can be converted into xylitol by chemical, enzymatic or microbiological routes, thus th edevelopment and optimization of methods aiming both obtaining xylose from lignocellulosic wastes and thus converting this sugar into products with higher added value is of great inter-est to the biotechnological science. Various raw materials can be used in xylitol production by biotechnological processes, thus, literature shows that the utilization of microorganisms for xylose fermentation is feasible in cases involving different lignocellulosicmaterials, such as sunflower stalks [13], bamboo culm [14], saw-dust [15], wheat straw [16], sugarcane bagasse [10] and rye straw[17]. However, few studies present xylitol production from cashewapple bagasse, which could have a positive material impact on theeconomy and development of new technologies in countries likeBrazil, where there is a high and increasing production of suchresidue