• Growth in air conditioning load is a reason for concern – potent GHG
refrigerants, energy consumption, and may ruin reliability of power
system if left unattended
• It is a complex problem, dealing with public, private and quasi-public
goods – aggravated by energy subsidies distorting rational choices
• Win-win solutions may exist – however, the problem needs to be
tackled in a holistic way – GHG, energy consumption (MWh), peak
power (MW) – and linkages with water use too
• District Cooling is clearly one of those win-win solutions – not
necessarily everywhere, but flexible to meet specific needs
Combining production of heat and power – more EE and less GHG harmful
Can get cold water directly from lakes
Can eliminate potent refrigerant gases (absorption technologies)
Is very suitable to interface with the grid (load management, demand response)
A network industry or in a simpler form a cluster of adjacent buildings
As such, of interest for private sector (and IFC) to invest