careful use of the IUCN protected area categories can help deter mine and describe management options in protested areas
ecosystem processes especially those directing succession are the working part of a successfully restored habitat
below- ground processes are the first key to many harshly degraded situation require specific-attention
re establishment of biodiversity implies a fully functioning ecosystem
it is necessary to link human restoration efforts with the re-establishment of ecosystem processes in Order to maximize biodiversity and ecosystem services ( e.g. , clean water, stable soils ) while diminishing additional human inputs. simply planting local vegetation and adding agricultural levels of fertilizer is not necessarily sufficient. Restoration activities focused solely on maximizing substrate
stability or primary productivity frequently result in arrested succession change critical ecosystem processes are the working parts of a successfully restored habitat . without them restoration in is incomplete
An ecosystem is defined as a series of inter action among particular set of organisms of inter action among a particular set of organism and between those organisms and their physical environment. restoration addresses inputsoutputs and internal dynamics of the flow of energy matter . typical measures of measures .typical measure of inputs include sunlight , water , eroded soil cycling , primary productivity ,and decomposition . Additional ecosystem processes concern the interaction of the biota to disturbance (resistance , resilience , succession invasion) and the development of structure and biodiversity successful restoration complements the natural recovery
process of succession following removal of concentrates such as unstable toxic or infertile substrates or the lack of adequate soils . successful restoration also allows succession to proceed and leaves an ecosystem both resistant and resilient to disturbance .Because we are able to predict succession trajectories only in the broadest sense (of functional groups ,biomass and nutrient best accumulation) restoration that incorporates successional dynamics is often experiment .at
best , unsuccessful restoration efforts help elucidate succession principles as succession theories ,in turn , guide restoration