Continent’s Dreams
This chapter is brought to you by AnmesicCat, BDark, Haikai, Hikaru, Lastear, Lei, MangaExpert. Special thanks to Junnynam. Please visit Imoutolicious and read novels he translates.
We would like to announce our new recruits/helpers!
First up, Lei (Leippy). She translates really quickly and Moonlight Sculptor is her ‘first love’. She helps us translate various novels. She is quirky and very affectionate towards alpacas.
Secondly, Lucid. He helps us translate. He was captured by Hikaru’s charm and had no choice but to join.
Third, Lastear. Although he’s not very new, we haven’t introduced him. He is our new proofreader. So if there’s something you don’t understand with a sentence, he’s the man to be blamed watches the translation staff walking away
Last but definitely not the least, Junny. He will be helping us check the translations so you will receive ‘high quality’ and accurate translations.
It may seem like a name of a monster or a mythical beast, but when most people hear the word, they recall Unicorn Corporation.
The sole company who developed and managed Royal Road!
It was not an overstatement to say they were raking in all the money in the world with the new world they created. The company owned enormous industrial clusters based on capsules and mini computers. Even after the operating cost for Royal Road was deducted, their monthly profit was astronomical.
Apart from these, Unicorn’s influence spread to cutting edge communication networks, cartoon character business, image and video culture, tourism, leisure industries and much more.
The company who developed the new world created a rippled effect throughout the world, quickly expanding Unicorn Corporation.
The ever important Royal Road. Royal Road, which almost all of Unicorn’s business were based on, focused mostly on maintenance and getting new players.
There was currently an important meeting between the core leaders in Unicorn’s meeting room.
Jang Yoon-soo, the head of the long-term marketing strategy division, was conducting the meeting.
“Department Head Kim, if you want a smooth meeting, we need you to give us some information. What is the growth rate of our current players?”
Department Head Kim Han-seo flipped through the data, produced a handkerchief, and wiped the sweat off of his forehead. With a sharp gaze, he stared at all of the members of the meeting.
“Yes, I am the director in charge of Goddess Versailles.”
Goddess Versailles, the AI that manages the Versailles Continent.
Kim Han-seo had gathered 17 brilliant scientists who worked together with him to develop it, the AI who handled the creation of the Versailles Continent and everything else in it. The real creator of Royal Road and its absolute ruler! Now it could run fine on its own and it was simply a matter of taking a break and watching the AI run the continent. The player reports by Goddess of Versailles could only be seen via Kim Han-seo’s system management department.
“You probably already know this but… What I am about to reveal to you all is highly confidential company data, and in under no circumstances to be leaked to the general public. Family members included. Therefore you can’t speak of this even to coworkers and subordinates. From this point on, you must keep quiet.”
The members of the meeting had already sworn to to secrecy as they came in. Everyone who was present in the meeting lightly nodded their heads. The topics to be discussed were so important, they could radically change the Versailles Continent. These people were not foolish to be unable to recognize the chaos such information would cause if it were to be leaked.
“Then I will begin. The majority of the top players are slightly below level 430. There are exactly 890 players. It is more or less below our expectations.”
The game, Royal Road, was targeted towards players worldwide, not just Korea. The growth the game was favourable; however, the majority of players were from Korea.
In every game, there were players who played to see the end. Because of the involvement of such players, the history of the Versailles Continent had been altered several times. The Public Relations department and Operations department could not afford to not consider the tendencies of such players.
The deputy of Foreign policy, Soo In-hae, who was in attendance, raised her hand.
“I have a question. What level have players reached in countries outside of Korea, namely Japan, America, and China?”
“They are still relatively low. When Royal Road was in its infant stage, they didn’t have much access to the game, and they are growing around the edges of the islands and in the cities.”
America and China were furious about Royal Road. They just could not believe Unicorn Corporation had managed to create a virtual reality.
Even though Unicorn’s theory was meticulous and they had proven the reality of virtual reality, the American and Chinese press focused only on the negative aspects.
– The First Virtual Reality, Still Too Early
– A Korean Enterprise, Found Technologically Impossible
– National Scientists Appraised It Not Worth Attention
– Science Is Not a Fraud
Anyone in the world could play Royal Road, but players from other countries joined late, giving Koreans a good head start.
There were many players from other countries, but because they joined much later, they were quite far behind. These players were often in smaller countries and islands in the middle of the continent, but because of the automatic translation program, their respective countries were often not revealed.
Everyone spoke the same language in Royal Road, so a player’s country of origin had no real meaning.
The Executive Director of Management, Son Il-gang chuckled.
“That’s a relief. There is not even the slightest chance an Emperor will rise from a player in a foreign country.”
“However you look at it, it seems to be the case.”
A smile played on Jang Yoon-soo’s lips.
Royal Road.
The Emperor of the Versailles continent would receive 10% of a month’s profit as a prize.
It was the ultimate goal of the entire game, and the person who achieve the dream of becoming Emperor would receive incredible privileges.
The press focused solely on this immense prize money.
However, there was another unique reward besides the money.
5% of Unicorn’s shares.
Scientists and researchers worked on the project, along with existing shareholders opposed to the idea. The Systems and Operations strategy department, however, pushed the issue and succeeded in making it the reward.
The one who becomes Emperor was bound to wield incredible power. He would be able to destroy or create anything at will.
Even the company who created an innovative economic system based on Versailles, Unicorn, would not be safe from the Emperor’s hands.
Even the Goddess of Versailles would be unable to lawfully lay hands on the ruler.
The emperor of the virtual reality world in which a multitude of players lived.
It was a secret prize which was immeasurably larger than the reward the public knew of.
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