My Dearest Bee,I’M VERY GLAD THAT EVERYTHING IS COMING UP NATURAL... Our mind is going the same way and our spirit working together... My Honey I couldn't stop thinking about how it will be on our first dinner date; I thoughts of what that special day would be like.Honey you’re just the woman I wanted to spend every single time of my being with and forever. Having all the world and without you in my life is a big waste to me, my only scared is of losing you which I’m ready to go extra miles just to have you with me for all the days of our lives... I know we don't get to talk or see each other much now. But being apart for now doesn't change the way I feel about you in my heart. Sure I'm lonely, and sometimes I'm overwhelmed with this emptiness in my chest. But, just remember that I love you and everything about you.That's what gets me through every minute of every day that I'm thinking of you. Sweetheart, you don't know what I would give to kiss your lips, feel your touch, or even just to see you. I long to hold you and feel your sweet caress, I have never loved anyone as much as I loved you. You make me feel loved, you make me feel safe, but more importantly, you make me feel wanted. We both knew our friendship would grow right from the very first day we chat. But, neither one of us could begin to imagine the love we both feel, not exploding or thundering into our hearts, but just slowly growing into a beautiful relationship that only you and I can understand. You are my soul mate, my best friend, my inspiration, and my love. Honey I understand your entire situation and I’m having you in my heart all time, I’m making a good plan for our future.I wish to let you know that I was appointed out today in our general meeting by our social Board of Directors to be among with some of our officials to visit America tomorrow 27th and will be back on 29th to represent my Company there in a general Shell meeting.Love you with all my heart.Yours,James Brown