Material description Application(s) Approximate year
Cast iron on steel used in blocks and other components of railroad car
brakes 1870
Cotton or hair (straps) cart wheel and the first automobiles 1897
Asbestos tissue and other wires to increase strength
and performance trucks and automobiles 1908
Bronze particles with low ash content bituminous coal,
produced with internal reinforcement of short fiber trucks and automobiles 1926
Material molded from a dry mixture of post-metallic to
replace the fragile cast iron brake pad on electric trains London subway 1930
Flexible resin developed with agglutinant elements
more intricately formulated drum brake reinforcement 1930
Metal alloyed with resin for aeronautic industry use 1950
Glass, mineral, metallic, carbon, and synthetic fibers to
give semi-metals better performance than amianthus
(beginning of the discussion aboutamianthus safety)
automobiles and trucks 1960
Compounds without amianthus drum brakes and car equipment 1980
Suggestion of carbon fiber use automotive brakes 1991