We used 5-point Likert Scale to measure the parts of user expectations and behavioral intention of the questionnaire, and used multiple choices for the part of actual use of Google SaaS. The questionnaire was pre-tested with 20 volunteers and was modified accordingly before it was put online. The
questionnaire was measured with anonymous. The administration time was from 14 May to 27 May 2011. 201 valid questionnaires were collected.
We used SPSS 19.0 for data analysis. This includes independent samples t-test and one-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) to analysis the level of influence of the variables to the behavioral intention. This also includes Path Analysis in Linear Regression to analysis the level of influence of the three constructs to the behavioral intention and use behavioral. It also analysis the level of influence of the control variables to the three constructs. The result shows that the overall Cronbach α is 0.883, which indicates that the research credibility is fairly good.